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Obama heads to Texas with no plans to visit border

For President Barack Obama, the humanitarian crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border is increasingly becoming a political liability, giving Republicans a fresh opportunity to question his administration's competence and complicating the debate over the nation's fractured immigration laws.

Still, Obama is resisting calls to visit the border during his two-day fundraising trip to Texas, where he arrives late Wednesday afternoon….

Even immigrant advocates, who say Obama's response has been too focused on enhancing enforcement and deportation, said he would benefit from witnessing the influx first hand.

“It would have been nice for him to see and speak to some of these children and some of these mothers with children who've come — to find out first hand why they're coming,” Michelle Brane, director of migrant rights and justice at the Women's Refugee Commission, said Wednesday. “I think that would make a difference in how he sees this problem.”

Read the AP story that appeared in the Washington Post.