Supporting Young Male Refugees and Migrants Who Are Survivors or At Risk of Sexual Violence: A Field Guide for Frontline Workers in Europe
PublishedThis field guide, Supporting Young Male Refugees and Migrants Who Are Survivors or At Risk of Sexual Violence, provides tips on how to engage with and support young male refugees and migrants in Europe who are survivors of or at risk of sexual violence. It focuses on male youth: older adolescents (aged 15-17) and young men (aged 18-24). The field guide aims to address current gaps in the provision of support to male youth who are survivors or at risk of sexual violence. It aims to help frontline workers of different organizations and services to integrate protection and support for these young males into existing protection programs. It includes examples of promising practices from the field.
This field guide was prepared by UNICEF’s Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia (ECARO) and the Women’s Refugee Commission’s Sexual Violence Project.