Supporting Survivors of Violence: The Role of Linguistic and Cultural Mediators, with a Focus on Gender-Based Violence and Sexual Violence against Men and Boys. A Training Curriculum.
PublishedRefugees and migrants around the world face serious risks of violence, including sexual violence, exploitation, and abuse. For many, the threat or reality of violence may be the tipping point that drives them from their home countries. But they often find that violence accompanies them throughout their perilous journeys and continues to blight their lives on arrival as they try to carve out a new life. This is particularly true for women and girls whose migration experience is often characterized by gender-based violence (GBV). Men and boys are also targeted for violence including sexual violence. And for young adults, adolescents and children—particularly those travelling alone—the dangers are severe.
Women’s Refugee Commission and UNICEF developed this training curriculum, which aims to equip linguistic and cultural mediators with the foundational knowledge they need to respond effectively to and support survivors of GBV and sexual violence, including male survivors. While the training focuses on linguistic and cultural mediators, it is also useful and relevant for interpreters who work in the context of service provision for refugees and migrants.