
Showing results 411-420 of 3171

Towards Inclusion and Beyond

…no one in the room understood her comments. No one, that is, with the exception of one person. While the next audience member asked their question, a young lady in…

Adolescent Girls as Humanitarian Partners

…for their displaced community. As humanitarians, we throw around a lot of abstract words—agency, empowerment, capacity-building, societal change. In these girls’ voices, I heard what those words actually sound like….

“We Believe in Youth”; GRYC Final Report

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXGvAEKPwjQ Background Seldom consulted, frequently overlooked, and often unable to fully participate in decision making, the talents, energy, and potential of Refugee Youth—young people aged 15-24 years old—remain largely untapped….

End Militarism, End Gender Violence

Every year, the international community marks 16 Days of Activism against Gender Violence, and this year’s theme is “Let’s Challenge Militarism and End Gender-Based Violence!” Militarism is both a direct…

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