We are entering a new era. The Women’s Refugee Commission is ready.
Women and girls bear the brunt of poverty, war, and violence. They are the world’s first responders to conflict and crisis, working every day for the safety and survival of their families and communities. Sometimes, that means leaving home to seek safety anywhere they can find it.
Here in the US, millions of migrant women and girls are facing the risk of arrest, detention, and deportation. Whatever happens next, WRC will be sure their stories are told and will act to protect their safety and rights. We will join with others here in the US and around the world who share our belief that all people deserve to be treated with dignity, compassion, and respect.
In the US, we will work to preserve access to sexual and reproductive healthcare for migrant women and girls. We will mobilize against policies that create an environment of fear for migrant women and girls, for example by cutting off paths to safety for victims of domestic violence and human trafficking and threatening to deny green cards to low-income immigrant mothers who legally access public benefits to feed their children and keep them healthy.
WRC’s comprehensive research on reception practices in New York, Denver, Chicago, and Portland, ME, shows that state and local leaders, community organizations, and service providers can work together effectively to integrate and support new immigrants for the benefit of the entire community. We will continue to find practical approaches and make progress.
We are ready.