Examining Barriers to Family Planning Information, Products, and Services Among Ukrainian Refugees and Host Communities in Poland
Published | UpdatedFindings from Mixed Methods Research to Inform Cash and Voucher Assistance Programming
In 2023, the Women’s Refugee Commission, alongside CARE International, CARE Poland, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and Federa, undertook an multi-pronged approach to assess the availability, accessibility, and quality of family planning methods and services for Ukrainian refugee and Polish host community women living in Poland. Using data from both a market and barrier assessment, this report outlines the feasibility of, demand for, and community recommendations on a cash and voucher assistance (CVA) intervention for family planning to improve sexual and reproductive health (SRH) outcomes for both Ukrainian refugee and Polish women.
In May 2024, the project team held a workshop in Warsaw, Poland with key Polish CVA and sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) stakeholders to discuss the findings from these assessments, and ways to take action on the information learned. The learning brief below shares the insights and recommendations discussed and developed by the stakeholders in the workshop, as well as next steps for engaging other actors in Poland.